Restraining Orders don't prevent the restrained party from further victimizing their victims by using the court system itself to continue to cause intentional grief to the party who needs protection .... I've been stuck in the court system for over 7 yrs & I haven't done anything to anybody- but- because I am the VICTIM of someone elses actions- I have been REQUIRED to prove again & again to multiple Judges in multiple courtrooms & courthouses that my neighbor & her friends have willfully, maliciously harrassed me, my family, my property- costing me $$$$$'s
I sue, I prevail, appeals are filed, I prevail, false elder abuse case is filed, I prevail, I sue again due to all the money I've been required to spend proving I'm a victim... I prevail, more appeals filed- more continuences, fake fainting in the courtroom etc... more continuences, I prevail, I put a lien on the property of Crosnoe- she gets mad and has her friends further destroy my property- the police tell me to get a restraining order- I prevail- I obtain the restraining orders- against her & her friend John Matteson & I sue Matteson for taking a knife to my freshly painted car, destroying my retaining wall on behalf of my neighbor Linda Crosnoe- & trying to run me off the road after the court hearing on 6-5-23 - I prevail... He files an appeal- that date is 4-7-25 @8:30am in the Ventura Superior Court- in essence requiring me to prove it again & then he filed an appeal on the restraining order... then 2 days later he & Crosnoe both filed to "terminate" the existing Restraining Orders... that hearing is taking place 4-23-25 forcing me to once again PROVE I need the protection to stay in place!-
My neighbor is a Vexatious Litigant & since she, her friends and all the other criminals & scumbags get EVERYTHING for free in the court system- they have no issues making everyone jump through hoops for their entertainment
. its painfully obvious my neighbor & her friends spend every waking moment focused on causing me grief & then relish in the grief they cause... & they really enjoy the fact they can use the court system for free....
I need to find a way to get out of the court system since I've NEVER done anything to deserve being forced to appear before Judges on a monthly basis .... I chose to hold my neighbor accountable for destroying my fences, my cameras, my lighting etc... & claiming I punched her.... & using her friends to harrass me & further destroy my property-
Clearly had I known I would be stuck in the court system for over 7 yrs due to being a victim - I would've just replaced my fencing, lighting, cameras -etc & allowed her friends to terrorize me on her behalf & just accepted the fact that my next door neighbor "is just a sweet lil ole lady with a few mental issues" & not try to hold her accountable for her malicious actions.
(I DO hope the Judge keeps the restraining orders for Linda Crosnoe & her friend John Matteson in place) -
#KellyVsCrosnoe #KellyVsMatteson #VenturaSuperiorCourt #RestrainingOrder #appeal #CourtSystemAbuse #VexatiousLitigant #NeighborFromHell
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
Visit My Other Sites!
Friday, March 14, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
Miss Ruby Tuesday Kelly Vs Matteson APPEAL (Trial De Novo) 4 -7 -2025 @...
Not surprised to learn John Matteson (friend of my next door neighbor Linda Crosnoe) filed an appeal on the small claims case after the Judge awarded me $2,500 for damages he intentionally did to my property... he is like the kid that ask Mom if he can go outside - and when Mom says NO- he goes to Dad... to get a different answer - of course I had selfishly hoped there would be no more court dates after 7 yrs of being victimized by my neighbor & her friends- but alas- since they get all their court stuff for free... they file every appeal, continuence, delay , postponement they can & I'm required to keep proving over & over to multiple Judges in multiple court rooms that my neighbor & her friends are not nice to me - I've said it before- & I will say again- the Justice System is punishing the victims for being victims...
The "Appeal" (Trial De Novo) court date is set for 4-7-2025 at 8:30am in RM 43 in the Ventura Superior Court- I need to decide if I will go- If I do- that means I have to take another day off work... & once again prove I deserve to be compensated for all the intentional damages to my property- if I don't go- that means the Judge will automatically dismiss the case & the Judgment awarded to me is dismissed as well... Obviously my neighbor and her friend are hoping I don't show so they are not held accountable. -
Fortunately- even if my neighbor & her friend don't have to pay for the intentional malicious destruction to my fences, lighting, retaining wall & security cameras- along with taking a knife to my freshly painted car - I still have a restraining order against them both so my property should be safe from any further damage...
#KellyVsMatteson #KellyVsCrosnoe #Appeal, #TrialDeNovo, #VenturaSuperiorCourt, #NeighborFromHell
Monday, February 10, 2025
Miss Ruby Tuesday - Kelly Vs Matteson- One Two Punch For The TKO
Kelly Vs Matteson (Friend Of Linda Crosnoe- My Neighbor) Restraining Order Hearing Took Place On 1-22-2025 ... & on 1-25-2025 (5 days later ) The Small Claims Case ... In Essence the "One Two Punch" proves effective in obtaining a TKO... #KellyVsMatteson #KellyVsCrosnoe #RestrainingOrder #SmallClaims #NeighborFromHell
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Matteson-1-22-25 & 1- 27- 25 Results
All 4 court hearings that were scheduled to take place this month are over with! - No more continuences - No more delays, No more postponements- & NO future courtdates! whoo hoo!!!!! - its been over 7 years of required court appearances due to my neighbor... & her friends... the last 2 court hearings entailed Linda Crosnoe's friend John Matteson - who was harassing me & destroying my property on behalf of Crosnoe who was mad that I had a lien on her property- - additionally & independantly he took a knife to my freshly painted car... & he tried to run me off the road after court on 6-5-2024 . #WorseNeighborEver #NeighborFromHell #VenturaSuperiorCourt #RestrainingOrder #SimiValleyCourthouse #smallclaims
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe, Davies & Matteson (updates)
Here is some updates RE: January 2025 filled with 4 court dates-
(Kelly Vs. Davies- 1-6-25 small claims- Crosnoes tenant)
(Crosnoe Vs. Kelley- 1-13-2025 small claims-)
(Kelly Vs Matteson- 1-22-2025 Restraining Order Hearing)
& 5 days after that hearing-
(Kelly Vs Matteson 1-27-2025 Small Claims)
Long story short- 2 down 2 to go...
Matteson is currently trying to get out of the upcoming hearings ...
ironically even though he didn't care about causing me grief & destroying my property on behalf of his good friend (my neighbor) Linda Crosnoe...
he is claiming I am lying about his actions- I've included the footage that shows I'm not the one lying-- good thing I have video proof (evidence) that shows not only did he willfully destroy my property multiple times... but he even brags about the fact he is "destroying my property because he wants to"
I''m hoping its enough evidence to justify my need for the restraining order as well as my need for compensation towards repairing the retaining wall & fence.
#KellyVsCrosnoe #KellyVsDavies #KellyVsMatteson #VenturaSuperiorCourt #SimiValleyCourthouse #RestrainingOrder #SmallClaims
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe - 12-16-24 Modification Hearing Result
whew!-- yesterday in court was filled with a few surprises...- I prepped all weekend for the Modification of the Restraining Order Hearing ... I was aware there would be a new Commisioner in RM34 as there was a "Changing of the Guards" so to speak & I wanted to be certain to have all paperwork/ videos/pictures that may be needed to assist the new Commissioner .... as I walk in to the Court the 1st thing I see is Crosnoe & Matteson getting on the elevator- Currently, I have restraining orders against both- & I knew as soon as I saw Crosnoe (the queen of "I need a continuence" would no doubt seek one) & her friend Matteson was with her to intimidate me....
After 7 years of court dates with Crosnoe I thought I had seen EVERY trick/excuse in the book for her "I need a continuence" song- she ALWAYS sings that song at every court hearing & its followed with "I have Evidence" & "Witnesses" (She has NEVER had any evidence against me- as I have NEVER done anything to her or her property- but she does have friends who will lie for her ) -
I walkied into the courtroom to check in & right off the bat the Bailiff tells me the defendant rufuses to be heard by the Commissioner & demands the modification hearing be in front of a Judge- I asked if the hearing would still take place today & he said yes- but you will need to go to a different courtroom.... so we were all shuffled off to room 33 (I didn't get to meet the Commissioner)-
After about an hour of my looking over my documents The Judge called Kelly Vs Crosnoe & stated she would need to take a lil 15 minute recess to aquaint herself with the case.... she comes back & calls us up & BAM- Crosnoe says "she needs a continuence cause she wants a JURY Trial" - It was all I could do not to blurt out - "Damn I thought I had seen every excuse in the book for you" - instead I just took a deep breath & expressed to the Judge "I did not believe 12 people were needed to determine if one extra sentence should be added to the existing Restraining Order" & I have any evidence that may be needed to support my request- she asked Crosnoe if she had any evidence to dispute my request that she not be allowed to use her friends and tenants to further harrass me & damage my property.... she responded with - I need a continuence to bring in my witnesses & put pictures on a USB- (I had over 120 physical pictures printed at Wal-Mart with me & 90 minutes of videos on USB)
Fortunately- NO continuence was granted, No Jury was required & the Judge GRANTED my request to add "Language to clarify the terms of the Restraining Order to better assist the police" - in short Crosnoe is not allowed to use 3rd parties to harrass me & my family... not allowed to use 3rd parties to destroy my property/ my fence/ my retaining wall & not allowed to ALLOW her friends, tenants to shine lights into my security cams, disable my alarms... & all the original terms of the RO remain in effect- "Stay Away From The Fence"
Hopefully- My Neighbor will find a way to focus on something else in her life rather than her constant desire to attack me.... & convince her friends to attack me- I'm not related to her, I'm not in a relationship with her- I do not rent a room from her- there is NO reason I should be required to fend off her attacks- much less in courtrooms on a monthly basis for the last 7 years.- On the bright side- NO MORE COURT DATES FOR 2024!!!! :-D #NeighborFromHell #WorseNeighborEVER #KellyVsCrosnoe, #VenturaSuperiorCourt #RestrainingOrder
Monday, December 9, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Matteson TRO Hearing Continued To 1- 22- 25
Matteson was served the TRO on 11-22-24 & Matteson appeared at the scheduled hearing of Kelly Vs Matteson 12-06-24 ... & as anticipated sang the "I need a continuence (boohoo) I'm not ready to be held accountable for my actions (boohoo) I need time to find a lawyer who can justify my actions against Ms. Kelly (boohoo)" song....
I was tempted to ask the Commissioner to give him all the time he needs provided the TRO gets extended as well- since I already know- even tho the defendant is entitled to 1 continuence - the defendant will be granted many more... the next continuence will be due to "I just got a lawyer and my lawyer needs to be filled in on my BS excuses as to why I keep destroying Kelly's property on behalf of my friend Linda Crosnoe (who currently has a RO in place) - I'm hoping my videos (which is included in this video) of Matteson in action will be able show my need for the RO is warranted-
- I also have a hearing next week (12-16-24) in hopes of modifying the existing RO against Linda Crosnoe to include her current friends & tenants as well as any future friends & tenants from the non stop harassment & property destruction on behalf of Linda Crosnoe.... I have 5 court cases running concurrently all due to my next door neighbor - whom I am not related to, in a relationship with or rent a room from- .... for the last 7 years I have been forced to entail numerous court cases, replace multiple fences, lighting & cameras... I need help putting an end to her actions & her friends actions against me & my family. #KellyVsMatteson #KellyVsCrosnoe #VenturaSuperiorCourt #restrainingorder #neighborfromhell
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