About Me

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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Miss Ruby Tuesday- My DIY Cleopatra Costume

It is Halloween 2018.... This year I decided to go as "Cleopatra" :-D

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Kelly Vs.Crosnoe 10-1-2018 Still Waiting On The Ruling...

I went to small claims court 3 weeks ago... against my neighbor who intentionally lied to get a restraining order against me... I sued for malicious prosecution, perjury & legal fees... upon leaving the courtroom I was told- the case is "under submission" - I am currently still waiting on the ruling...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs. Crosnoe, Hutchins

The day of court for my small claims case seeking restitution against my neighbors who intentionally lied in order to get a restraining order against me- forcing me to disprove the false allegations - has arrived... now.... I'm just waiting on the decision by the Judge. #KellyVs.Crosnoe