The hearing for the permanent restraining order against my neighbor that was scheduled for 1-17-2024... almost took place... as expected & predicted - my neighbor- "needs a coninuence"...
The hearing has been rescheduled for 2-21-2024-
fortunately- the temporary restraining order is still in full effect....
A continuence will not change the facts of my need for a restraining order ...
my neighbor has willfully destroyed my fence 3 times- she has her friends harrass me on a daily basis- & her friend John loves to assist her in destroying my current fence.. he also tried to run me off the road after court on 6-5-2023 after he failed to appear after being served to appear.
A continuence does not change the facts that I DO have a Judgement against my neighbor for the previous destruction of my property...
or the fact that I then had to sue her again...
for the false allegations against me for an elder abuse restraining order claiming I assualted her because she "owed me money" to which I was able to show not only that I didn't punch her- but she also has 6 previous false elder abuse cases in that courthouse.- (she now has 8- her ex tenant David Alexander who I assisted during his misfortune & documented it on youtube)
A continence does not change the fact... I DO have a lien on her property.-
Its been 6 years of court appearances & non-stop destruction of my property & harrassment by her & any friend &/or tenant she solicits to cause me grief.
if anything- the temporary restraining order has shown to be effective.
Its been nice these last 2 weeks... no drama.... & no destruction... :-D
I hope the temporary restraining order becomes permanent.
#KellyVsCrosnoe #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt #restrainingorder #badneighbors
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- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Sunday, January 28, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Restraining Order Served!
The next door neighbor from hell got served the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) & the order to appear on 1-5-2024 (Friday) ... her immediate response was to run to the courthouse 2 days later (Monday) & file a complaint via court order and answer claiming I am falsifying how much money she owes me on the civil case... (she clearly does not comprehend how much money she has cost me aka cost ofter Judgement) - & of course no where in that claim does she inform the court that she was just served a restraining order to prevent her from further destruction of my fence & harrassment by her & her friend John.... oh & she still claims she has "no idea" where defendant # 2 (Remy Hutchins- her grandson) is... I guess she forgot she claimed in the claim of exemption to avoid paying the money seized by the sheriff ... that she "gives $1,400 a month to defendant # 2 for School" - The restraining order hearing is set for 1-17-2024 - I'm hoping to obtain a permanent order- I will appear via zoom due to concern for my safety (last court date on 6-5-2024- Breach Of Contract Hearing) her friend "John" who was served but did not appear... suddenly appeared as I was leaving the courthouse & tried to run me off the road- that video was caught on my dashcam- & also knowing the history of Crosnoe... I'm guessing she will ask for a contiuence- EVERY court case we have encountered- she always gets multiple contiuences...
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