yay!!! I'm happy to announce - after almost 7 years of required Court dates for the small claims civil case involving the neighbor from hell (Linda Crosnoe) who willfully destroyed my fence, lighting & cameras... & who willfully filed a false elder abuse case against me causing me to sue for damages etc... ( & who currently has a restraining order in effect to keep her away from me & my property...) is over- -
yes- the civil case has ended-
it was a rough ending-
from the very beginning of the hearing- my neighbor pulled one of her infamous fake "medical emergency" to stall the hearing right after she learned my lawyer was appearing via court call- she started puking & stating she was just getting over Covid- I know it was fake because she IS my next door neighbor & I've seen her & her friend John outside all week- even the night before they were along my fence talking about "when court is over- we need to block her cameras & her lights"
after sitting on the bench for another hour while my neighbor had everyone cater to her fake medical issue- The Commissioner once again called us up...
and the 1st words out of my neighbors mouth was "I thought no lawyers were allowed in small claims"
(Lawyers ARE allowed after Judgment)
The bottomline:
I had to waive ALL the court cost incurred over the last 6 years during the collection process, ALL the sheriff fees, ALL the interest - & settle for the remaining $405 left on the settlement agreement-
(& don't even get me started on all the hours invested in filling out forms, printing out forms, running to the post office, postage, beating required timelines)
I could've saved my self a lot of money, time & stress just by not trying to collect the money my neighbor owes me....
Commissioner Julia Snyder - who I had asked to recuse herself due to prejudice & refused- who is currently in the lead for Judge in Ventura County & who I voted for- in hopes she wins & is required to vacate that seat at the Simi Valley Courthouse- stated "I had signed a settlement agreement with the defendant & therefore I'm NOT entitled to collect ANY cost incurred...- nor am I allowed to claim ANY of the cost attached to the writ of execution because she did not AUTHORIZE my right to collect from the defendant-she only authorized my right to collect from defendants #2 Remy Hutchins & defendant #3 Kathleen Curtis- I pointed out the clerk is the one who issued that writ & she should mad at her own clerk- not me-- next thing I know-
I'm surrounded by bailiffs like I'm the bad guy -
My lawyer jumped in over the phone & stated -"we accept whatever terms required to end this case today" - I then blurted out- "can the defendant write that check today & give it to the bailiff?" - again the Commissioner told me to "quit talking Ms. Kelly" (and the bailiffs surrounded me again)
and of course- my neighbor who miraculously is feeling much better states "I didn't bring my checkbook sorry" - & then my personal favorite- "Can I put it on my credit card"??? - (I've been requesting she be required to put the Judgment on her credit card for the last 6 years!!!!!)
yes- it was at that point - I blurted out - whatewver it takes to end this nightmare- oh & here is the satisfaction of Judgment form .... my lawyer interjected with "DO NOT give that form over until the money is received"
The Commissioner told the defendant (my neighbor) to put the payment on her credit card & file it with the court... and then told me the court would send me the payment & then I will need to fork over the $89.00 fee to remove the lien from my neighbors property....
- after that I told my lawyer who was still on the phone listening that I was leaving - & would call him later... & proceeded to walk out -
As I left the courtroom & noted the other people still in the room- I loudly stated- "I think everyone here today just witnessed why you Do NOT want to sign that settlement agreement with the defendant"
yes- I will be ordering that audio!
yes- sometimes the BEST way to end a court case is just walk away from it.- take the loss... rather than allow the court system be a part of your life- especially when it becomes obvious the Commissioner enjoys forcing the Plaintiff to feel like the bad guy for trying to collect money after being awarded a Judgment due to being a victim of the actual bad guy....
(in my case my neighbor who presents herself as a sweet lil ole lady)
Proving to The previous Judges I deserved to be compensated for the intentional acts of destruction & false accusations was easier than trying to prove I deserve to collect the money.... & in the end I was required to walk away from the money to actually end the case.
The civil case is finally over - the restraining order case is still current & the next hearing is 4-29-2024 -
& well- my neighbor from hell.... will always be the neighbor from hell.
#kellyVsCrosnoe #SimivalleyCourthouse #CommissionerJuliaSnyder
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- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Prepping For 3 11 2024 Court Hearing
The upcoming court date of 3-11-2024 in Simi Valley Courthouse at 9am is almost here & I've been focused on bringing this case to an end...
My neighbor has had entirely too much fun disrupting my life with her obsession of causing me grief by destroying my property daily, committing perjury on court documents & requiring me to keep going into a court room...
its been over 6 years of torment simply because my neighbor has mental issues & isn't held accountable- my neighbor is mad I have a lien on her property as a result of the Judgments awarded in Court- and now she is demanding the Court remove that lien and remove the Judgment... so naturally as the plaintiff I'm REQUIRED to once again PROVE something- in this case- that I deserve to collect the money awarded to me! - My Lawyer is appearing with me (via court call) to speak on my behalf so there is no conflict of interest RE: Commissioner Snyder- & I will hand over all the paperwork to the bailiff that may be needed.
Fortunately the law is on my side here- The lien cannot be removed until Judgment has been paid- I've authorized my lawyer to say whatever he needs to end this case... My preference is that Ms. Crosnoe write a check to cover the last 14 months of missed payments ... particulary since I wasn't even given $10 for a beer when the sheriff succussfully seized the total amount to end the case back in October.
- On the brightside- regarding the other court case (restraining order against Ms. Crosnoe & her friend John) it appears to be effective- - my fence is still standing. :-D - #KellyVsCrosnoe #SimiValleyCourthouse #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt, #breachofcontract
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