This is part 2 of my 23rd Anniversary of my arrest- & the lessons learned. - even though i didn't factually commit a crime - I did strike a deal with the DA & pled "Guilty" to get out of jail. as there was no way I was gonna sit in jail for 2 years waiting to "go to trial" - at the time of my arrest- I questioned what law did I break by demanding an apology on my website from my boyfriend who was leading a double life- the police (Detective Del Marco of the Simi PD) stated. " It wasn't illegal for my boyfriend to lie to me for 7 yrs to obtain sex- but it was illegal for me ... to tell the truth and embarrass him! - it was deemed "extortion" because I said on my website- "I'm not taking down this site until you tell the truth"- to learn more about my arrest - go to my website - #cyberstalker #arrest #anniversary #VenturaSuperiorCourthouse #lessonslearned
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
Visit My Other Sites!
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Cyberstalker 23rd Anniversary
23 years ago on 11-13-2001- I became the 1st & STILL the ONLY person EVER to be arrested and jailed for 7 months until I was willing to plead "Guilty" to felony embarrassment of political cartoonist Jim Day of the Las Vegas Review Journal - (who was my boyfriend for 7 years- that was married & leading a double life) with a $200,000 bail. - fortunately- the truth prevailed- Under the 1st Ammendment- I did not FACTUALLY commit a crime by revealing my boyfriend was leading a double life on my personal website- "" - but since I did strike a deal with the DA by pleading "Guilty" - I was released from jail. - upon my release- I filed the appeal & it was determined that even tho I did not actually commit a crime - I did actually plead Guilty- so my charges were expunged- but I still had to entail the 5 yrs probation & sue the county, the DA the public defender & the PD for "Legal Mal-Practice, Wrongful Arrest & the return of all my pictures, & website" - My lawyer prevailed by pointing out- that unfortunately for Mr. Day- that my pictures are mine- they were not stolen & are protected by the 1st ammendment- regardless of the type of picture it is... I am legally allowed to show/display/sell or give away any of MY property. - & yes- I learned a valuable lesson- don't kiss a guy until it can be verified by 5 or more people he is actually single. #CyberstalkerArrest #MissRubyTuesday #JimDayPoliticalCartoonist #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Clowns Violate Restraining Order ...
The Ringmaster Linda Crosnoe directs her favorite Clown John Matteson to attach string to my backyard wooden fence & climb up on what's left of my retaining wall along the side of the house & tie the string to my last remaining post in the front yard which is attached to my last remaining wooden fence in the front yard. - the restraining order is clear - Stay 9ft from my fence- do not attach anything to it or under it- do not destroy it- NO CONTACT - Crosnoe intentionally violated the restraining order- John & her tenants Kim & Adam are also knowingly assisting her violate that order- Crosnoe chose to attach that string to MY wooden fence instead of her own fence (the chain link fence at the yucca tree in the back yard) - she & the clowns plan to "build a fence" (homeless encampment method) and use my fence rather than dig the holes required to install the 15 post & 30 bags of cement required to install a fence on her own property. I think when I am in Court in December for the modification hearing- after showing this video - I will ask the Judge to consider adding "must have professional bonded & licensed fence installers erect fence" that way I know they will do it correctly, legally- they KNOW where to dig- not sever any lines & not attach it to my fence which is 100% on this property- Crosnoe has been "building a fence" for 7 yrs now...ever since she demanded I buy her a new fence under the good neighbor clause & I told her no- - since that demand letter- she has been hell bent on causing me & my family grief daily- & of course she always lies to the police that "she is building a fence"- yet- she never finds anyone who knows how to install a fence- she convinces the fly by night/ random tenants/ friends "in exchange for rent" to help her "build the fence/ fix her property/ empty the trash/ fill out court docs etc- & of course- destroy my fence, my lighting, my cams etc- I''ve had to install 4 fences - currently going on 5-& I'm gonna need to replace my retaining wall (over 120 ft ) due to her & her friends removing it cinderblock by cinderblock- it is why I have the restraining order in place - she and her friends (past & current) are so obsessed with my fences, my lighting, my cameras, my yard... that they have cost me $1,000's in repairs, replacements & court fees... not to mention all the external hard drives & USBs I always have to purchase to hold all the damn videos... so I have "proof" for the court.- #NeighborFromHell #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns #restrainingorder #flyingmonkeys #badneighbors #harassmentcase #evidence #goodvsevil
Monday, November 4, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe And Kelly Vs Davies
Let me be the 1st to say... The court system is never ending ... I've already entailed 4 court cases due to my neighbor... & I thought for certain it was finally in the rear view mirror after I was granted the restraining order against my neighbor ... but alas- I now have 2 more court hearings pending... Kelly Vs. Crosnoe on 12-16-24 RM 34 at 8:30am in the Ventura County Superior Court - as I had to request a modification to the restraining order due to Crosnoe using a loophole- her friends & tenants to harass me & my family... & I also had to sue her current tenant (Kim Davies) Kelly Vs. Davies 1-6-25 Rm S1 9am Simi Valley Courthouse for harassing me , destroying my property & using her grandson (Adam) to aide in the destruction of my security cams by having him blind my cams with lights pointed directly at them 60 nights in a row now... hitting 5 cams that I pay a monthly fee on- shining a light in my bedroom window - intentionally setting off the alarms all night & also having him attach that obnoxious audio of ("Danger, Tweaker, Stalker, Narcissistic) to my back yard fence- and... also using him to destroy part of my retaining wall by helping John Matteson who is destroying it on behalf of Linda Crosnoe... Both Crosnoe & Davies were served via mail of the upcoming court dates... & obviously- their response was... to continue the light show & of course- Crosnoe flips off my camera- I had hoped that after obtaining the restraining order against my neighbor she would back off & leave me & my family alone... instead... she not only has ignored the restraining order - she encourages all her friends and tenants to harass me & destroy my property.... - I have never done anything to my neighbor Linda Crosnoe EVER- not once have I retaliated, but for the last 7 years she has insisted on causing me & my family grief - I try to ignore her & she forces me to pay attention to her actions- destruction of 4 fences, retaining wall, multiple cameras, multiple lighting, freshly painted car keyed up, has me harassed by multiple tenants & friends... 4 court cases & costing me $1,000's in repairs, replacements, court fees etc... I've also helped a few of her ex- tenants who she falsely accused of elder abuse (David Alexander) & assisted others who informed me that Crosnoe had asked them to "destroy" stuff &/or lie on court documents claiming they witnessed me doing stuff to her- in exchange for living rent free at her place- they of course had a moral compass & said no.... she then evicted them...
Be thankful this is not your neighbor.
Never in my life have I ever encountered a person so hell bent on causing someone grief... We are not related, we are not in a relationship, I do not rent a room from her... there is no reason I should even have to know her name....much less be required to keep appearing in courtrooms due to her.
#KellyVsCrosnoe, #KellyVsDavies, VenturaSuperiorCourt, SimiValleyCourthouse, #NeighborFromHell,
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