Arrrrrgh! as anticipated & predicted ... at the last hour before the court date of 5-1-2023 in the Simi Valley Courthouse... my crazy pathological liar of a neighbor ... aka the queen of delay, postpone, continuence, arrival in a wheel chair, fake fainting defendant.... needs a postponement due to her "emergency" fake surgery she needs to have- I swear every court date we have had she needs the same frikken surgery!- Oh & to top it off- she even forged the name of the so called person who mailed me (didn't mail me) the request- she wrote in the name of the son of her last tenant (Terri- the one who lied for her about David Alexander) - & even though I never got that notice- luckily I learned via the courthouse website- fortunately I learned in time to notify the witnesses not to go to court on 5-1-2023.... & that the court date had been changed- yeh- my neighbor is a scam artist. - she is just buying time...
Thats ok- I may be required to wait- but- I will be there on 6-5-2023 at 9am Rm S1 Simi Valley Courthouse - & I'm guessing that will be the court date the court gets a call stating she isn't able to attend because she is "sick"...
Did I mention - she has over 40 court cases in the Ventura County court houses ... all with the same history??? delay, delay, continue, continue, postpone, fake cane usage, fake wheel chair usage, fake surgeries, fake illnesses??? yeh- my neighbor does like to abuse the court system for her personal gain.- which is why I need to be granted the end of that settlement agreement. - I am not related to her- I do not rent a room from her- I am not in a relationship with her... I should'nt be required to deal with her on a daily basis.
#KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell #BreachOfContract #SimiValleyCourthouse
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Thursday, April 27, 2023
Friday, April 21, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Crosnoe Vs Alexander- Case Dismissed!
The false allegations of Elder Abuse claimed by Linda Crosnoe has once again been dismissed & at the same time- opened the door for another Court case....
Davids Alexanders Case is over! :-D
yep- That night when Linda & her friend John came back from Court laughing & screaming into my security cameras about how "they won, they won hhahahhaa eat shit & die bitch- David lost" - I knew then & there the only thing they "won" was a future civil case - for falsifying court documents for personal gain.-
David did not deserve to be accused of Elder Abuse- much less be forced to attend 6 months of court dates to fight the false allegations - nor be forced out of the room he was renting - nor be forced to require a police escort 3 times to retrieve his property...
I will be assisting David file the small claims case.
I knew David would prevail by fighting the false allegations-
The wheels of Justice may turn slowly but they DO turn.
#LindaCrosnoeVsDavidAlexander #FalseAllegations, #ElderAbuse,
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-Crosnoe Vs Alexander- David Snags His Property With Th...
Its been quite the headache for David Alexander who made the mistake of renting a room at the Crosnoe Circus- In October 2022- when the Circus Tent had sold to an investor- Clown Linda chose to falsely accuse David of Elder Abuse - (rather than pay to file for an eviction) he is the 8th person she has accused of Elder Abuse- (I was number 7) he has had multiple court dates at the Ventura County Superior Courthouse.... Back in Febuary- the Judge ordered Ms Crosnoe to give him his property - when the date arrived for David to pick it up- she & her friend (Clown John) purposedly threw his belongings in the back yard with all her trash... & when David arrived at the designated time & date he was not able to get to it due to having parkinsons, edema & feet that can barely walk.... much less through heeps of trash- He returned to court & stated he had not been able to get his property- A new Judge has been assigned to Courtroom 32 & that Judge ordered Ms Crosnoe to have his stuff on the front sidewalk at noon on 4-8-2023 & then informed Ms Crosnoe that David would be arriving with a police escort (for HIS safety).- Watch as David gets his stuff & clowns Linda & John put on a show for the nighbors by trying to pretend this was something they "demanded" hahahahah - - Yes!- David had a reason to smile this Easter!- personally I'm happy to see David got his stuff...- and the police assisted :-D - his return date to Ventura County Superior Court is 4-17-2023 - Hopefully- he can dispute the false Elder Abuse charge.- no matter what happens at that court date... he can definately sue Ms Crosnoe & her so called "witnesses" -
On a side note: I too... got a tiny tinge of glee- in spite of our upcoming court date in the Simi Valley Court House of 5-1-2023 - the Crosnoe Circus is currently having plumbing issues due to that tree in the front yard- yep!- the same tree that flooded out this house when the roots got into our pipes 6 yrs ago.
Its nice to see SOMETHING give HER a lil grief!
#CrosnoeCircus #CrosnoeVsAlexander #KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Court Date Confirmed 5-1-2023
ok... the Kelly Vs Crosnoe - Breach of Contract hearing has been set... the date is 5-1-2023 at 9am in the Simi Valley Courthouse in Rm S1... I'm not required to attend- but- obviously it is in my best interest as my goal is to show ... anything & everything that supports my request to end that settlement agreement with the Neighbor From Hell.-
#neighborfromhell #kellyvscrosnoe #breachofcontract
Monday, April 3, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Crosnoe Vs Alexander Court Date 3-27-2023
The court date for David Alexander arrived... he went... as did Ms Crosnoe & her so called "witness"- he informed the Judge he had not been able to get his property since he was not physically able to crawl through trash- He also told the Judge he is not guilty of Elder Abuse & he wants that charge removed as this was only an eviction- The Judge told Ms. Crosnoe she is required to have his property on the front sidewalk at noon on April 8th so he can retrieve it... & that the court case has been continued ... so he can show he got his property & he can dispute the Elder Abuse accusation.
**this poor man has been drug through the court system for over 5 months now... all because Ms. Crosnoe once again chose to commit perjury on court documents to torture someone who has done nothing to her...** #CrosnoeVsAlexander #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt
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