About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Monday, October 30, 2023
The Crosnoe Circus Gets New Clowns New Lighting & New Mirrors!
Saturday, October 14, 2023
The Week After Crosnoe Circus Clowns Had To Return My Stolen Property
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Crosnoe Circus Clowns Destroy My Fence & Laugh As They Do It
After I got home from work & discovered my front yard fence behind the taller rod iron had been removed - I checked my security cameras & lo & behold the sounds of destruction & laughter... "hahaha she will be so mad when she sees this!" Linda & her fave clown John really do enjoy themselves! - & once again _ I call the PD & as usual they state "Its a Civil Matter" - in spite of the fact I have a lien on my neighbors house from the 3 previous court cases in which she & her friends destroyed my fences... & when she claimed I punched her- when in reality she punched herself in order to get a elder abuse restraining order- "Neighbor From Hell" is an understatement- - for 7 yrs I've been in Ventura County Courtrooms being required to prove my neighbor is intentionally causing me grief & even solicits others to help her cause me grief- - I have had to replace my fence 4 times now- I gave up on wood & decided to install a rod iron so I can see when the destruction is taking place- The PD won't arrest her because she is "5150" & I'm required to go into a courtroom to prove it's MY property_ not ONCE has she been required to prove it is HER property to destroy... she just says... "Take me to court" ugh_ like seriously if it was her property_ why would I need to go into a court room?!!!?? _ that's ok_ I'm confident karma will catch up to those clowns eventually. #neighborfromhell #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns missrubytuesday.com