yes- court was rough yesterday- & Commissioner Julia Snyder appearantly isn't ready to end the Kelly Vs Crosnoe Small Claims case just yet...
- it appears Commissioner Snyder wants to punish me further for being the Judgment Creditor (Plaintiff) & trying to collect the money owed by the Defendant Judgment Debtor (Crosnoe)-
Snyder turned me into the "Judgment Debtor on 6-3-2024- ordering me to pay $888.80 + Overdraft Fees of the Defendant- on that same date 5 yrs ago (6-3-2019) she denied me the right to see the Drivers License at the Appearance & Examination Hearing to determine the debtors assets....
on 6-5-2023... she denied me the right to end the settlement ageement after I proved breach of contract.... on 12-11-23 she falsely accused me of doing a bait and switch- but didn't order the writ of exemption to be terminated... the Sheriff did a legal bank levy on Crosnoe & seized $888.80 - Snyder falsely accused me of not notifying her (she was notified by the sheriff and by the defendant on 2--9-2024) - at the 3-11-2024 hearing Commissioner Snyder informed me- (actually repeatedly belittled me) I was "not entitled to Cost after Judgment (F ees paid to the Court) or the 10% interest after 7 years of maintaing/financing the payment history of the Defendant- & I was only entitled to collect $405 balance from the settlement agreement. - I accepted that in order to end the case.- my lawyer accpted it as well.- I got the $405.80 (actually $408.89) as the Court still honered the Interest I was entitled to.
I removed the lien from Crosnoes property- & she filed a demand that I reimburse her the $888.80 + overdraft fee of $125.00 bringing the total to $1013.08 - ... Yesterday I threw $873.00 (what I received from the Sheriff) at Crosnoe since I was not allowed to speak as Syder told me I would be held in Contempt of Court- so I tossed the cash & walked out of the room.- Today the minutes reflect the money was received by the defendant ... but I still OWE $140.00!!!!!!!!!! - Seriously???? - I sued for $1,500- spent 7 years trying to collect & spent over $3,200 in court fees & sheriff fees & other fees & Snyder Required I give that money to the Defendant & rather than tell the defendant "you got $873.00 - its been 7 years - lets just go ahead & this case" - her response was - "Lets make the Plaintiff suffer even more for trying to hold you accountable for destroying her property... she still owes you $140.00 "
Its not my imagination- Commissioner Julia Snyder wants to punish me for asking her to recuse herself based on obvious bias against me & my efforts to collect the Judgment.
I'm gonna go give the $140.00 to the court & hopefully put an end to theKelly Vs Crosnoe Civil Case-
I hate that I've spent 7 years being forced to deal with my evil neighbor-
and I've been required to be in court rooms when I'm not a criminal-
No amount of money is worth this kind of headache or stress -
I have had no issues in front of any of the other Judges - nor have they had any issues with me...
But- Commissioner Julia Snyder clearly has an issue with me.
I got the restraining order against my neighbor ...
I'm putting the civil suit in the rearview mirror
& chalking it up as a total loss....
Small Claims Court is supposed to be simple- but- it is actually VERY expensive & entails years of court dates!
That original $40 filing fee- esculated to almost $5,000
& I only sued for $1,500 -
- I wish I had lost the case... then I would've only been out $40
my goal is to end 2024 with no upcoming court dates!!!!
#KellyVsCrosnoe #venturacountysuperiorcourt #SimiValleyCourtHouse #CommissionerJuliaSnyder
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Monday, August 26, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe 8- 26- 2024 RE: Commissioner Julia S...
Whew! it was a rough day in Court today- Court is NEVER fun- especially when you have to encounter a Commissioner/Judge who is clearly not willing to admit to their mistakes during the case they are overseeing.
- Kelly Vs Crosnoe has entailed multiple Judges due to the multiple cases -
all of them were willing to consider the facts- before making any decisions-
Commissioner Julia Snyder has been overseeing the collection aspect of my cases against my nasty neighbor who has forced me to be in the Ventura County Court System for over 7 years - being required to prove her actions against me , my family & my property- I felt Justice was served when the Judges awarded me the Judgments based on FACTS.- I had no idea 7 years later Commissioner Snyder would REQUIRE me to pay the defendant all the money I gave to the courthouse in filing fees, sheriff fees & be told I was not "ENTITLED" to collect the Cost After Judgment (685.070) or the 10% Interest after 7 years (every other plaintiff is- just not me) - I should've just given all those court fees directly to the defendant since all her cost were always waived- Commissioner Snyder further falsely accused me of being deceptive RE: The Writ of Execution claiming I did a Bait & Switch when the fact is- the Clerks office made that mistake (Not Me) Commissioner Snyder Then accused me of intentionally omitting the $888.80 the Sheriff seized on 2-2-24- Which Crosnoe submitted on a court order on 2-9-2024 prior to the upcoming hearing but didn't file a claim of exemption- as required to cease the check being sent to me-
After being told I'm a dishonest person by the Commissioner who flat out refused to acknowledge that NONE of the mistakes were made by me- ALL were made by HER & the Clerks Office -I made the mistake of blurting out it wasn't my responsibility to cancel that writ of execution- as she never notified me or the clerks or the sheriff to terminate that writ- it was the Commissioners duty to do so- I also pointed out I've never worked so hard for $1,500.00 in my life... over 30 Required court apperances & over $1,200.00 in court fees...-
Commissioner Snyder then proceeded to throw me under the bus telling me she would charge me with contempt of court if I "say another word"-
with that I opened my purse - grabbed the envelope with the check stub and the cash from the bank- & threw the money at Crosnoe - & walked out.
I do not know WHY Commissioner Snyder has treated me as if I'm the criminal... for trying to collect the money awarded due to the criminal... but after 7 years I really did not antcipate the Kelly Vs. Crosnoe Civil Case to end with me becoming the "bad guy" & the Judgment debtor.
I anticipate Karma isn't gonna just be knocking on Crosnoes door....
Commissioner Julia Snyder refused to acknowledge HER mistakes in that courtroom & could've reversed those miskes by terminating the order I pay the defendant the money I had to pay the courthouse- she ignored the law completely CCP 473 Rule 60 Motion B (1) & held me liable for HER mistakes.
So the defendant is doing a happy dance for now since she got rewarded for being a defendant - (she made money off of destroying my property & telling a bunch of lies)
& Commissioner Snyder can pretend I deserved to be held liable for HER mistakes in HER courtroom.... but it doesn't change the FACTS.
Luckily that restraining order against my neighbor was issued by a different Judge - & I'm guessing I will need to use it more than once.
#kellyvscrosnoe #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt #SimiValleyCourthouse #CommissionerJuliaSnyder #SmallClaims
Monday, August 5, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Linda Crosnoe You've Been Served!
After being granted the NO CONTACT Restraining Order against my neighbor... I had to have her served that order since she ditched going to court on 7-16-24 to avoid being put on the witness stand & chose to stay home with her favorite clown John Matteson to violate the temporary restraining order that was in effect by destroying part of my front yard fence instead - I submitted all the important papers to the Sheriff... but alas my neighbor refused to open the door to them during their 3 attempts... & she even avoided the police during their attempts to give her a citation for violation of the TRO.... sooooooooooooo
I learned on the courts website she had a court date coming up on 8-29-2024 RE: suing her ex- tenants for $8,000... I knew she would show up for that since she wants money... I went to that hearing & sure enough she was there... I couldn't serve her in the courtroom as I am not allowed to do the serving... it has to be done by somebody else- sooooooooo it occurred to me her ex-tenant might wanna help... :-D which of course he was only too happy to assist me... Court got out... it was lunch time.... she was spotted at the local Panera Bread... so- the ex tenant & I decided it was a perfect opportunity to seize the moment & go with the element of surprise. :-D
I got to watch my neighbor get served the Restraining Order... & even film it!
Linda Crosnoe- You've Been Served! - Stay Away From My Fence! #KellyVsCrosnoe #RestrainingOrder #BadNeighbors #NeighborFromHell
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