I had a small victory- yay me!- I was able to hold the neighbor from hell accountable - & No- the Evil Crosnoe Circus Clowns (John & Linda) were not happy about having to return my property that they stole after destroying my front yard fencing... and even tho it was thrown on my front lawn... I was happy to get it back! :-D #GoodVsEvil #NeighborFromHell #CrosnoeCircusClowns #KellyVsCrosnoe
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
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Saturday, September 30, 2023
Friday, September 22, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Caught Crosnoe Circus Clown Linda Off Guard With A Ca...
The last 3 days I've been watching the Crosnoe Circus Clowns Doing their acts of destruction & stealing my property- Got off work & showed pics & video at the police station - then requested assistance retrieving my stolen property _ (bricks, wood panels & decorative stumps which I painted Yellow for easy identification_ I also requested that the police alert clown Linda that she needs to quit harassing me & trying to dismantle my security camera with the help of her favorite clown "John" - this is her response to their visit_ deflect, distract, & of course lying through her teeth. The police informed her she needs to have my property on the same curb that she had to place David Alexanders stuff on by noon Sunday & to leave my camera alone - they left her yard & came to mine to let me know that her "Gardener John" will put my stuff on the sidewalk of shame on Sunday- if it is not there call them. #kellyvscrosnoe #neighborfromhell
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday_ Neighbor From Hell Displays Her Evil With Pride! #kel...
yes - the neighbor from hell aka the evil clown Linda @ the Crosnoe Circus has the traits that reveal her true evilness. she saves the souvenirs of her actions & puts them on display to taunt her victims. She & her favorite clown in crime "John"- destroyed my front yard fence a month ago... & today she put some of the wood on top of where my retaining wall used to be that she removed a few yrs ago when she destroyed my 1st wooden fence... just so I could see it! she also stacked my bricks from the front yard that fell when her fave low life scum clown "John" sawed off my front yard fence_ she was trying to hide the sign that alerts her visitors that she has destroyed 4 of my fences now. #kellyvscrosnoe #neighborfromhell #crosnoecircus
Monday, September 18, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-Kelly Vs Crosnoe-The Legal Loophole Prevails!
Have you ever heard the term "Look for the loophole"??? - Well- when it comes to Court cases sometimes you need to look for a "Legal Loophole"
I tried to end the settlement agreement with my crazy neighbor- by proving Breach of Contract - unfortunately- the Commissioner refused to end it & told the defendant she only needed to make up the last 5 payments... I then put in a request for reasons of the decision NOT to end the contract after proof of Breach of Contract- & the commissioner denied me the right to know the reason... I then put in another request - once again it was "Denied". - my crazy neighbor then put in a request demanding the Court force me to remove the lien on her property 2 days after she destroyed my front yard fence... fortunately that was "Denied" as I obtained that lien legally- I contacted my lawyer & he explained to me that I needed to look for a legal loophole as there was no reason for me (the Plaintiff & Judgement Creditor) to have to prove I deserve a right to collect my Judgement- ... so- did some research
& yes- there was/is a Legal Loophole! - & in my case... it is called the "Joint/Several Defendant Rule" :-D #KellyVsCrosnoe #neighborfromhell
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