The Wheels Of Justice turn slowly due to all the continuences allowed to the defendants.... yep- during the 2-21-24 hearing ... it was no surprise to learn the defendant would once again "need another continuence" in spite of being assured the defendant would only be allowed 1 continuence...
my neighbor is famous for skirting around the delay, postment, continuence rules... In the last 6 years of court dates - she has managed to get delays, continuences postponements through perjury, (I'm having surgery that day") fake medical emergencies (fainting in the courtroom) - non- appearances (I'm in the hospital) - "need time to prepare" & "I now have counsel & now he needs to prepare" ...
Not ONCE in the last 6 years & 4 cases against my neighbor... have I EVER requested a continuence....
fortunately the Temporary Restraining Order has been extended to the next date of the trial/hearing which is 4-29-2024 - & of course once again I'm required to prove everything my neighbor has done to me- & I 'm required to send all evidence against my neighbor to her current counsel (Scott Bentley aka the "Saul Goodman" of Ventura County) by 3-29-2024 -
I think I will also send him some popcorn to go with all the videos.
I am also scheduled to be at the Simi Valley courthouse on 3-11-2024 at 9am
because my neighbor is demanding I remove the lien off her property...
My lawyer (Robert Ross) will be assisting me on that matter.
my goal is to put an end to the Kelly Vs Crosnoe required court hearings.
it been over 6 years , 4 cases 3 fences, multiple police visits, filing fees, replacement of property destroyed by my neighbor cost, millions of papers that need printing, duplicated etc.... I'm done!
I'm not a criminal... I shouldn't be required to keep appearing in a frikken courtroom.... much less be required to stay connected to a person who only wishes to cause me grief.
#KellyVsCrosnoe #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt #SimiValleyCourtHouse
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
Visit My Other Sites!
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Monday, February 19, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday Kelly Vs Crosnoe Future Court Dates - Again!
I guess I spoke too soon.... even tho I've accepted the fact my neighbor does not want to pay the money owed on the civil matter that has been in the court system for over 6 years & I accepted the fact the Commissioner in that case does not want to recuse herself from the case.... I even obtained a temporary restraining order against my neighbor to prevent her (& her friend John) from further destroying my property out of anger that I have a Judgement lien on my neighbors property..... I even handed the headache over to my lawyer....
& Yes- I knew I had the upcoming court hearing on 2-21-24 at 8:30 - because as usual my neighbor "needed a continuence" RE: proof she doesn't deserve a restraining order- as I AM seeking a civil restraining order for at least a year
(I do not want to replace another fence!)....
well - it turns out - after that hearing on 1-17-24 took place.... my neighbor ran to the clerks office & put in for another court date RE: the ongoing civil case & she demands the Commissioner forces me to remove that lien & "she can prove she only owes $300!"..
(clearly not only is she bad at spelling---- she is also bad at math- )
so yep- there is now a court date on 3-11-24 - in front of the Commissioner who will not recuse herself. -
& I did say there is no law that states I am required to appear-
- I have no desire to see the defendant- nor be afraid to speak in front of the Commissioner who feels my need to see the defendants Drivers License was irrelevant to accepting a check from the defendant- & my need to end that settlement agreement was irrelevant- in spite of proving Breach Of Contract-& the defendant is not required to prove her claims to exemption after the sheriff seized the entire amount to end the case & I proved she has renters....
No desire to deal with either the defendant or the Commisioner - both have shown their true colors regarding how they have no regard for me.
I'm done jumping through all the legal hoops being required of me- only to land in the same spot - the defendant gets everything for FREE & doesn't have to abide by any laws or be held accountable.
I proved she destroyed my property- & I proved she lied claiming I assaulted her... the fact I now have to prove I deserve to collect the Judgement has convinced me...
- I should've just beat the crap out of her the 1st time she destroyed my fence... but because I chose to call the police - & was told- "sorry this is a civil matter" & "she has mental issues so we can't arrest her"... "You have to sue her in Court"
Here I am 6 years later - 4 court cases later... 3 Fences later, 1 false Elder Abuse case later, multiple police calls, multiple lighting, cameras & youtube videos for back up proof- basically- almost $10,000 between property replacement & court fees, postal fees, printing fees, etc...- yeh- I should've just given her a reason to leave me alone.- it would'be been a lot cheaper & at the most 1 court case!
ok- ok-
I'm tired of having to go to Court over money... I'm tired of having to spend money to collect the money owed to me for the intentional acts against me & my property- as a result of my next door nighbor - I'm tired of all the paperwork-
- I've never had to work so hard to get money! -
the original Judgement was for $1,650.00
I've spent more than that trying to collect... & that doesn't even include all the fences & I've had to replace- while trying to collect for the 1st fence she destroyed...
6 frikken years I've been dealing with this headache.
I wish the police still arrested people instead of deeming "destruction of property" & "committing perjury on court documents" a civil matter - forcing the victims to sue in civil court...
I'm also tired of being told "I need to feel sorry for her because she has mental issues" - I know a few people with bonafide mental issues- & none of them intentionally cause others grief... much less daily.
My lawyer will be appearing on my behalf- on 3-11-24 - I told him to say whatever he needs to say to end the Kelly Vs Crosnoe Civil Case...
I won't be the 1st person that has to walk away from a deadbeat debtor.... but since she lives next to me- I am hoping the restraining order gets extended....
#kellyVsCrosnoe #VenturaSuperiorCourt #SimiValleyCourthouse
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Commissioner Snyder Refuses To Recuse
After I submitted a Court Order & Answer seeking that Commissioner Julia Snyder Recuse herself from any future hearings regarding Kelly Vs Crosnoe civil matter... I received the notice that The Commissioner refuses to recuse. -
Ugh.... after 6 years I am done trying to collect money from my horrible neighbor who loves to destroy my property on a regular basis. I am done being required to prove to Judges that I deserve to be compensated for the $1000's of dollars my neighbor forced me to spend replacing fences, cameras & lighting... the legal fees required to disprove I punched her... the filing fees required to "seek justice", the required court dates the neighbor always manages to get a continuence for... seriously- its going on 7 years now chasing down less than $2,500 & its cost me more than that trying to collect + the neighbor from hell is still actively destroying my property due to her anger of owing me the frikken money.- - The Commissioner feels my reasons seeking her recusal is irrelevant- despite my needing to get a temporary restraining order against my neighbor due to her continued destruction of my property & her friends harrassing me.
(the next TRO hearing is 2-21-24- different Commissioner)
I am no longer willing to jump through hoops to keep landing in the same spot.... my neighbor will always be allowed to cause me grief- she will never be arrested due to her "mental issues"- I will always be required to sue her for the damages- I shouldn't be required to keep being in court over her actions- I am handing this headache over to my lawyer. - I'm confident he will find a way to end this case before the end of 2024.
#KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt #CommissionerJuliaSnyder #BreachOfContract
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