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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday- New Andy Kaufman Documentary In The Works?

Its hard to believe - but its been 40 yrs since Andy Kaufman left this planet... but- clearly he is still in the minds of many! - currently - there is a new documentary about him possibly in the works... it was filmed 2 yrs ago... be on the look out for it- I'm not sure when or if it will ever be released- but I was allowed to participate in it since I wrestled him (& pinned him- twice!) back in 1981 ... as seen in the movie "World Intergender Wrestling Champion" - Yes- Andy Kaufman goes down in history as a fond memory! #RedSnapperVsAndyKaufman #WorldIntergenderWrestlingChampion http://www.missrubytuesday.com

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