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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday- Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Prepping For 7-16- 24 RO Court Hearing

Lots of Chaos still happening next door and the closer it gets to the court date the usual antics are taking place- its clear my next door neighbor (Crosnoe) & her friends are not done causing me grief- they keep pushing boundries & flat out violating the TRO- in hopes of getting me to respond- & are "lying in wait" ... The Restraining Order Hearing against my neighbor is scheduled for Tuesday 7-16-2024 at the Ventura County Superior Court at 2pm in RM 34- Hopefully there will be no more postponements, delays or sudden illnesses. There have been 3 postponements so far.... & my neighbors attorney is now trying to get me to consider "Dissolving the request for the RO against my neighbor &/or agree to another postponement...." Its been 7 years of my having to fend off the actions of my neighbor- 7 years of replacing property damaged by my neighbor & her friends. 7 years of court dates due to having to sue for the damages. 7 years of being required to save "Proof" for the court. 7 years of my being required to save all paperwork. 7 years of prepping for this hearing.... I currently have a TRO- (temporary restraining order) & its been helpful keeping my neighbor from further destroying my property- but then she filed ANOTHER false restraining order against me right after I removed the lien on her house from the last false Elder Abuse Case she filed against me- & now - she wants me to 'make a deal to avoid litigation" Translation: She doesn't want to be put on the witness stand & she doesn't want the Judge to see the videos or see the police reports. I want the hearing to take place- even if the Judge does not grant me the permanent order - I want the opportunity to show the Judge what I've been contending with & have it on record. I want to hold my neighbor accountable- I deserve to get some answers as to WHY my neighbor & her friends all feel they need to harrass me & destroy my fences, my cameras, my lighting -I'm not related to Crosnoe, I'm not in a relationship with her, I do not rent a room from her- I'm just her neighbor & I've never done anything to her. I'm not required to know her - much less deal with her on a daily basis in a negative manner - to the degree it affects my home life, my work life & my finances. Yes- I have my list of Questions ready to go for the moment I put her on the witness stand... (the upside to self representation!) #KellyVsCrosnoe #VenturaSuperiorCourt #RestrainingOrder #NeighborFromHell #badneighbors #CrosnoeCircus http://www.missrubytuesday.com

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