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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday- Its Always Lights Camera Action At The Crosnoe Circus!

For those who have been keeping tabs on the 'Caught On Security Cam" its has been lights, camera action - the daily shows are nonstop- the restraining order is being violated left & right because the resident clowns who are being directed by their ringmaster to harrass me ... have been told "the restraining order only applies to Linda Crosnoe- you can harrass her all you want" - My restraining order is a complete NO CONTACT order with addtional orders that Crosnoe can not come within 9 ft of my fence, no contact with the fence, no shoving that hose under my fence, no attaching anything to my fence, no destruction of my fence- no indirect contact (3rd party) contact as well... - which is interpreted differently by different officers... so- I'm going back to court to modify the order to include 1 sentence (NO Negative Contact from any person at that address) as I cannot possibly know all the names of the people who are her friends, tenants & future friends, tenants that are directed by Crosnoe to harrass me - hopefully if the modification is added it will help the police to enforce the restraining order & calm the current clowns & any furture resident clowns/ friends of clowns/ flying monkeys from the non stop harrassment of me & my family on behalf of Crosnoe. - its been 7 years, $1000's in repairs, replacements of fences, cameras, lighting, + $1,000s in court fees, sheriff fees for the 4 court cases... & the police can't or won't make her stop harrassing me ... they can't or won't make her friends stop harrassing me/ destroying my property... I've done every legal method to try to stop this person & her scumbag friends from negatively affecting my life... its been 7 years... that my neighbor and her friends have been ALLOWED to harrass me, & destroy my property - I've done EVERYTHING the Simi PD has told me to do over the last 7 years (4 Civil Court Cases & I prevailed in every one by proving my neighbor is not a nice person- I even put a lien on her property) & I even got that restraining order as they requested- & now I'm being told I need to add another sentence - in order for the police "To be able to arrest Crosnoe" so essentially- I now have to entail another court hearing - in essence a whole new court case-- & upon filing the CH600- the clerk said to me- usually when someone needs a modification it is to remove the terms that are too stringent, or to add supervised visits, or to terminate the order or renew it- you are putting in a lot of work just to add 1 sentence (that by the way is ALREADY covered in the existing order under indirect contact) - whats to stop the police from saying you need to add another sentence after you do this???-- your restraining order is already a complete NO CONTACT order it doesn't need to have another sentence added.- so yeh- I'm jumping through another hoop for the police - in hopes my reward will be I finally get to see Crosnoe get arrested for the 7 years of harrassment, property destruction & $1,000s spent- I'm positive- if this was their neighbor- they would've at the vey minimum- told her to STOP- - but since she is MY neighbor they won't even do that- they just keep telling me... I gotta "prove what she is doing, prove what her tenants are doing- prove your restraining order covers the violation... & my favorite- "sorry but we can't get in the gate" & the most recent- "we don't want to wake up the kid its 10pm" - (obviously the lil harrasser who is harrassing me by shining those lights into my security cams & setting off my alarms till 6am -under the direction of adults... is wide awake & actively harrassing me.... but ok- we can all pretend he is sleeping snug in his bed-) -yes- its been a rough 7 years living next to the Crosnoe Circus... & at some point... "Karma Steps In Where Justice Fails" #NeighborFromHell #kellyvscrosnoe #restrainingorder #flyingmonkeys #crosnoecircusclowns missrubytuesday.com

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