Its no secret my crazy neighbor LOVES any excuse to be in a courtroom...
its no secret she commits perjury just to gain access to a court hearing.
its no secret she is legit 5150 (crazy)
and- as her neighbor I've been forced to deal with her in the court system for over 6 yrs now... due to her obsession with me & her constant attacks on me & my family... along with her intentional destruction of my property / theft of my property.. and employing/soliciting others to assist her in her attacks on me.
The Simi PD refuse to arrest her in spite of the $1,000's she has cost me- always stating it is a "civil matter". - I've endured 6 yrs in the court system - 3 Judges ruled in my favor after I was forced to prove not only what my crazy neighbor & her friends have done- but also the amount of money I had to spend to repair the damages or the legal fees I encountered when I had to disprove the false allegations of assaulting her. -
Now I'm required to prove I DESERVE to collect the money that 3 Judges ruled I deserved to collect!- against the 3 defendants (Linda Crosnoe, Remy Hutchins & Kathleen Curtis) -
Why am I now laughing???? My crazy neighbor is now DEMANDING that the court force me to REMOVE THAT LIEN on her property that I legally obtained!
She put in that demand 2 days after she & her fave circus clown John destroyed my fence in the front yard.!
Seriously- my 1st instinct was to laugh- but then I immediately called my lawyer-- he assured me the Judge cannot force me to remove the lien as the
Abstract of Judgement was obtained legally & it includes 3 defendants-
worse case scenario: my crazy neighbor could file bankruptcy- which may or may not prevent me from collecting from HER- but there are 2 other defendants & my judgement clearly states under the Joint/Several defendants rule- "all 3 defendants are equally liable for the full amount - in the event defendant #1 does not pay- defendants 2 & 3 can be collected from- $400 from this one- $200 from that one... or the full amount from ANY one defendant"
So- yeh- my neighbor is trying to manipulate the courts again...
the problem is- it requires ME to draw up a bunch of paper work in a timely matter - to respond - which of course requires me to go buy printer ink again!
#KellyVsCrosnoe #neighborfromhell #SimiVallyCourthouse
About Me

- akamissrubytuesday
- United States
- Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D
Visit My Other Sites!
Monday, August 28, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-Kelly Vs Crosnoe- Breach Of Contract- Complaint To Jud...
again... the Justice System makes it difficult on the Victim/Plaintiff in the court procedures... & favors the criminal/defendant- in turn forcing the victim/plaintiff to keep filing paperwork, forms & adhere to timelines- Its a full time job dealing with the legal requirements of being victimized by criminals.- & to add insult to injury the victim/plaintiff after jumping through all the hoops of the legal arena- The Judge/Commissioner can still "Deny" the Victim/Plaintiff/Judgement Creditor an explanation as to the decision to refuse to end a contract after breach of contract was proven.- & as the victim/plaintiff/judgement creditor... I am now required to file even more paper work /forms aka- the complaints to the Judiciary Committee & the Grand Jury. - Ugh- its become obvious as I enter the 7th year of being stuck in the court system against my crazy neighbor- that this headache isn't going away anytime soon. I pity anyone who gets stuck the court system for being a victim. - seriously- the minute you realize your the victim of a crime- you will be singing the "awwwh crap- you committed a crime against me & now I'm stuck in the court system for the next 10 yrs!" song... #MeanPeopleSuck #KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell #VenturaCountySuperiorCourt #SimiValleyCourthouse (my website)
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Youtube Is Anti Bikini Videos!
ugh! summer isn't even over & once again youtube sent me a notice that I am no longer in the youtube partnership due to 'Sexually Gratifying" material.
appearantly- youtube does not like men (over 18) who like to view women (over 18) in bikinis! - the same rule does not apply to a person sporting a bikini if they are trans or are doing a drag show for minors.
seriously- I'm turning 65 in a few months and I'm not offended that my audience is primarily biological males who enjoy viewing biological females in bikinis. - & I admit- I do not want kids watching my videos- (which is WHY I post "18 & over" on any bikini or Burly Q video) but dang... why is it deemed wrong for adults to be watching??? or for that matter- WHY is it deemed inappropriate for a being a woman wearing a bikini??? I mean- you can go the beach & see bikinis everywhere- heck you see them on commercials on daytime TV! even weight loss commercials... body positivity commercials...
oh well- On the brightside...
Youtube let me know if I'm willing to delete all my bikini videos & my burly-q videos & my old wrestling videos ... (from the 80s)- then I can rejoin their partnership!
so- at this point - I'm not sure if youtube is anti women who wear bikinis... or anti men who like to view the women who like to wear bikinis.
#RemovedFromYoutubePartnership #CommunityGuidelines #NoBikinisAllowed
Monday, August 7, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Another MOHS Surgery Required!
Once again... my love for the tanning salons in the 80s & 90s has come back to haunt me... or as my dermatologist calls it 'Sins Of The Past" - Tanning beds destroy the 1st 3 layers of the skin & it takes 2 or more decades before you see the damage done. - I believed the hype when tanning beds first came on the scene- "safer than the sun" I also enjoyed the warmth & 20 mins of daily relaxation.- fast forward to the 2000's - & I have now endured over 20 Basal Cell & Squamous Cell removal surgeries - 2 on my chest (Basal Cell) & the 18 surgeries- (now 19) on my lower legs (squamous cell) - Basically the skin closest to the bone- the thinnest skin. most of the surgeries I entailed before 2010 avg 2 or 3 a year- now I avg the need for surgery about once a year or every 2 yrs.... & the majority of the sugeries- I have been able to get stitches- MOHS surgery does not allow me to have stitches as the location of the surgery & the width & depth of the cut requires "open wound healing" - basically 4 months of daily wound care to prevent a staph infection.- Seriously- JUST SAY NO TO TANNING BEDS - you may look great at the time...but in time... your skin will require a bunch of surgeries to remove the damage.
#MOHS #SquamousCell #SayNoToTanningBeds
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-Kelly Vs Crosnoe-Breach Of Contract- Additional Hearin...
The daily non stop daily attack from the Crosnoe Circus Clowns & the inability to convince Commissioner Snyder to end that settlement agreement after proving Breach Of Contract -then learning the Court Order and Answer I submitted under CCP632 (Statement of Decisions- Request For Reasons) was also denied-- is really starting to affect my daily life!- I am being bombarded with paperwork and timelines again!- Dang- I was done with court 3 yrs ago - it was 3 yrs of court dates & I prevailed in all 3 cases- & I mistakingly ALLOWED the main Defendant (Linda Crosnoe) to make monthly payments with the understanding that if she missed her payments I could end that contract- she missed her payments & I asked the court to end the settlement agreement- thats what gave the defendant the green light to bring me back into the court system- she demanded a hearing stating "she had proof all payments were made" (which of course she did not) & after I proved they had not- The Commissioner insisted I keep financing her & told her she only had to make up the last 5 payments missed!- The commissioner threw me out of the court room when I stated I wanted that contract ended- & there is no law that requires me to communicate with the defendant- a week later- I obtained the audio from that hearing- & it clearly reveals I proved Breach Of Contract & I (the Plaintiff seeking Justice) was thrown out of that courtroom- upon that denial I have now been sucked into the court system again... in another battle to PROVE I deserve to collect the money that was awarded to me by 3 other Judges!!!!- I now am required to submit one more Court Order And Answer- before I can file a complaint to the Judiciary Committee- The ordeal I'm currently encountering almost makes me forget I'm the Plaintiff- The Judgement Creditor! Oddly- I'm now required to prove I deserve to collect the judgement awarded! - Yes- the defendant will do anything to keep me in her life for as long as possible- The more I ignore her the more she demands attention- But the fact remains- I'm not a banker- I shouldn't be forced by the Justice System to finance anybody! much less somebody who keeps willfully causing me grief & destroying my property...
#KellyVsCrosnoe #SimiValleyCourthouse #breachofcontract #neighborfromhell
Friday, August 4, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday-The Dreaded Required Drive Cycle
The required Smog test is no longer about emissions- it is now about the sensors in your car - & if for any reason you disconnect the battery, buy a new one, clean the terminals or get a tune up - prior to the smog test- you will be required to do the 'Drive Cycle" - which is a dangerous drive for the average driver-- senior driver, disabled driver or any driver who doesn't drive on the freeway. - The required Drive Cycle entails putting 200-300 miles on your car (avg) & opens the door to a new side hustle- "Drive Cycle Driver" - it also increases the cost of that required smog test- $60 IM Rediness Meter, $100-150 (gas) $25-50 additional driver on your insurance- $50 for the "Drive Cycle Driver" $60 for the smog tester who uses the SAME IM Rediness Meter-& just prints out the 'Pass" paper to submit to DMV.
Bottomline: the required Drive Cycle adds significant more cost to the required registeration of your car. $$$$$$$$
#DriveCycle #SmogTest #Registration
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Miss Ruby Tuesday- Crosnoe Circus Clown John Destroys My Fence For Clown...
Yes the evil clowns at the Crosnoe Circus love to entertain themselves by destroying my property for their laughs. Clown John is only too happy to make Clown Linda happy with his act of willingness to destroy anything of mine on her behalf. fences, retaining walls, lighting - whatever she points to he sez "ok" & hahahahahaha - of course he doesn't have the balls to show up in court when given notice to appear- seriously these clowns are evil- clearly they deserve any karma that comes their way.- in the meantime - I'm decorating whats left of my fence with circus decor.
#CrosnoeCircusClowns #EvilClowns #NeighborFromHell #KellyVsCrosnoe
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