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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Friday, September 27, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday is live! - 9-26-2024 Crosnoe Circus

Had to call the police on the Crosnoe Circus Clowns & the flying monkeys.... my alarm in the front fence was going off- I went to see what was setting it off... I see John Matteson attempting to attach that white fence they got from the house down the street 2 yrs ago to my whats left standing wooden fence- clearly a violation of the restraining order... not to mention- I had a fence there before they removed it & had to call the police because they removed it & the police forced them to return my stolen property-- as you will see- the clowns & the flying monkeys attack me for telling everyone what they do to me on a daily basis. long story short- John Matteson lied to the police claiming the wind blew the fence into my fence & he was not trying to attach it.... (there is no wind blowing here today)- & the police let me know if he does- call them back. #CrosnoeCircusClowns #FlyingMonkeys #SimiPoliceOfficers #RestrainingOrder

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday- A Week Of R.O.Violation Acts At The Crosnoe Circus

Its been quite the week at the Crosnoe Circus- the clowns and flying monkeys have been working overtime on their Restraining Order Violation Acts! Its like the old Spy Vs Spy cartoon... they do something to harrass me.... I do something to block them & call the PD... the next day- they do something else to make me notice them by harrassing me/ vandalizing my property - (then cry foul when my alarms and security cameras reveal what they are doing) - they have no fear of the NO CONTACT restraining order & they do not care that they are intentionally going out of their way on a daily basis to cause me grief... no matter what I do to ignore the 24hr show next door... they insist I pay attention to them... its a shame they can't channel all that energy into getting a job.... or going to school... & learn how to focus on something constructive. - its been 7yrs of evil acts- 4 court cases... $1,000's spent on repairs, replacements & court fees... all because I refused to buy a new fence for Linda Crosnoe when she demanded I do so under the "good neighbor clause"- I built my own fence & she screamed she did not give me permission to build one... (I didn't need her permission to build it on this property) she then went on a mission to destroy the fence I built... 7 years & 3 fences later I'm still entailing the acts of evil directed towards me & my family. I'm hoping eventually the restraining order proves to be beneficial. #CrosnoeClowns #FlyingMonkeys #RestrainingOrder missrubytuesday.com

Monday, September 23, 2024

Caught on Security Cams-'Crosnoe Circus Clowns Kim & Adam Shine Light Ag...

The evil clowns next door love to harass me- & they love to destroy my property for their amusement- this evening I had to call the police again just as I was heading to bed - the clowns Kim & Adam decided to intentionally shine a light into my security cam / alarm which wakes the entire neighborhood - not just me- so I had to silence the alarm- the police came- noted the lights location - the clowns did it for 7 days in a row at the beginning of the month- & I put up a few signs to block the light - but now it is place under the fence line & intentionally placed to hit the camera- the police went next door but of course the clowns would not answer the door so the violation just gets added to the file. - the Crosnoe Circus Clowns & Flying Monkeys obsession with me is out of control- not 1 day goes by that they don't go out of their way to make me pay attention to them- - I do my best to ignore the circus- but ... evil clowns are hard to ignore.- #kellyvscrosnoe #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #badneighbors #crosnoecircusclowns #venturacountysuperiorcourt #evidence

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Commissioner Julia Snyder Loves To Give Linda Crosnoe Money!

After being forced to reimburse the defendant Linda Crosnoe $1,013.08 when Commissioner Julia Snyder stated I was not entitled to collect "Cost After Judgment" or the 10% Interest after financing Linda Crosnoe for almost 7 years"... I decided to sit in at the upcoming hearing of Crosnoe Vs Baldwin to observe how she would rule in the small claims case in which Crosnoe sued her tenants who she invited to live with her in order to assist her in causing me grief.... once the tenants realized she was asking them to do illegal actions- they declined & then she claimed they were squatters & proceeded to evict them... they contacted me via email & informed me of Crosnoes intentions to which I submitted to Commissioner Snyder back in December 2023 when Commissioner Snyder granted Crosnoe the return of the $1,900 seized by the sheriff on my behalf at the opposition to the claim of exemption. - Fast forward- I obtained a restraining order against Linda Crosnoe in part due to proof of her actions against me & her solicitation of others to cause me grief... Commissioner Snyder states on record at EVERY nearing that it is "Irrelevant that Crosnoe is still actively destroying my property & committing perjury on court documents" while ruling she would not end that settlement agreement based on Breach of Contract- after proof of non payments & signing it in bad faith. The tenants asked me to be there for moral support & be a witness if need be. I agreed to go even tho 3 weeks prior Commissioner Snyder forced me to give my money that I had to pay the Court & the Sheriff to Crosnoe.... who has NEVER had to pay ANY court fees in the 40 cases she has had due to always being granted a waiver after committing perjury on the waiver form- in the Ventura County Superior Court.... On 7-16-2024 - Crosnoe Vs Baldwin took place & the travesty that transpired along with the bad acting- was anticipated. ... Crosnoe did her usual word for word perjury... & the usual... tears & shaking... playing the victim knowing she was lying.... the tenants - told the truth- that Crosnoe had invited them to live with her in exchange for "help" around the house- there was NO RENTAL CONTRACT, NO RENTAL AGREEMENT in place at any time -They also told Commissioner Snyder that when they declined to cause her neighbor (Kelly) any grief on her behalf that she started demanding they leave. Commissioner Snyder stated she would "Take everything under submission & you will hear in 2-3 weeks her ruling" The very next morning it was posted on the Ventura County Superior Court website That Commissoner ruled in favor of Crosnoe for the sum of $6930.96 ... Obviously- Commissioner Julia Snyder did NOT take ANYTHING under submission upon ruling- there was No Rental Contract in place, No Rental Agreement of any kind, & Crosnoe admitting she let them live there for free.... & she told the consistent lie in EVERY case.... mine included- "Its all "their" fault I could'nt pay my taxes on my property & had to pay a late fee" boohooboohoo - Commissioner Snyder may award Crosnoe for her perjury & antics in the courtroom... but Karma is definately just waiting to serve the true justice. missrubytuesday.com

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Clowns Trying to Block Alarms

My neighbor called & informed me to check my cams while I was out & about- sure enough- the Ringmaster (Linda) of the Crosnoe Circus is directing 3rd party flying monkey Adam to violate the restraining order & remove stuff from my front yard fence & then takes him along the side & back- for further directions - living next to this Circus provides 24 hour shows! #crosnoecircus #EvilClowns #FlyingMonkeys #restrainingorder #Violations #KellyVsCrosnoe Seriously- who knew clowns were obsessed with fences?????? missrubytuesday.com

Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Ringmaster Linda Directing Clown ...

My neighbor called & informed me to check my cams while I was out & about- sure enough- the Ringmaster (Linda) of the Crosnoe Circus is directing 3rd party flying monkey Adam to violate the restraining order & remove stuff from my front yard fence & then takes him along the side & back- for further directions - living next to this Circus provides 24 hour shows! #crosnoecircus #EvilClowns #FlyingMonkeys #restrainingorder #Violations #KellyVsCrosnoe Seriously- who knew clowns were obsessed with fences?????? missrubytuesday.com

Monday, September 16, 2024

Crosnoe Circus Evil Clowns & Flying Monkeys Laugh At Restraining Order

Yes- it sucks having a neighbor that requires a restraining order... it also sucks that the neighbor has solicited friends & tenants aka "flying monkeys" to further harrass me, destroy my property & violate the restraining order on a daily basis ... just for their entertainment! all the while they are laughing at the grief they are intentionally causing. seriously- evil people have no problem connecting to other evil people. 7 years stuck in the court system due to the actions of my neighbor & even though I've removed the lien on her property- & even paid her the $1,013.08 that Commissioner Julia Snyder forced me to reimburse her at the end of the civil suit - claiming I was "Not entitled to Cost After Judgment or the 10% Interest after financing her for 6 years- that EVERY plaintiff IS entitled to... - (as you will hear- I got the audio from that hearing just for proof of my being thrown under the bus to deflect from the errors that took place during the collections aspect of the Kelly Vs Crosnoe case- as a result of the clerks office- & Commissioner Julia Snyder herself) At this point- my neighbor & her scummy friends have no reason to cause me grief other than they enjoy knowing they are causing grief... MEAN PEOPLE SUCK- - they have no fear of the restraining order... or KARMA... appearantly. I've had to call the police 5 times in the last 10 days... I can't even enjoy a nice Sunday dinner with the family without a member of the Crosnoe Circus pounding on my door just to cuss me out because her daughter posted trolling comments on my youtube video & I blocked her. "you're a liar my daughter did not leave a comment" hmmm Really??? "well then how did I block her"??? & I then showed her that indeed her daughter created an account just to troll me-I then informed her to "tell her daughter don't troll under her real name- use an alias like everyone else" - with that she threatened to kick my ass- I called the police for the obvious trespass- my dinner that I cooked all day was cold. - my family had to contend with the drama- again my life being disrupted due to my nasty neighbor and her friends/tenants- who go out of their way to harrass me. I've never done anything to my neighbor or any of her friends or tenants... EVER. (except tell them to leave me alone & quit destroying my property) The evil clowns & the flying monkeys of the Crosnoe Circus are the worse neighbors ever... I wish that tent would pack up & go away... I'm not related to Linda Crosnoe, I'm not in a relationship with her, & I do not rent a room from her... there is no reason I should be required to know her ... much less be required to attend court dates for over 7 years just because she is my neighbor... who is obsessed with causing me grief. I'm thankful the court granted me the restraining order. BE THANKFUL YOU DO NOT HAVE A NEIGHBOR THAT REQUIRES A RESTRAINING ORDER - #CrosnoeCircus #FlyingMonkeys #narcissist #NeighborFromHell #WorseNeighborEver #KellyVsCrosnoe missrubytuesday.com

Friday, September 6, 2024

Miss Ruby Tuesday- The History Of The Crosnoe Circus Clowns

Living next to the Crosnoe Circus- I've entailed the Clowns & all the Flying Monkeys for the last 25 years... I put up with all the crazy antics- did my best to ignore the onslaught of riff raff moving in & out - & the daily police visits... In 2016 Crosnoe sent me a letter demanding I buy her a new fence under the "Good Neighbor Clause" - I wrote back "No- I will NOT buy you a new fence- you are NOT a good neighbor & I am NOT required to buy you one- I will build my own fence on my property & you can deal with your fence at your convience" - I then erected a fence on this property to hide the view of all the trash in her yard & create some much needed privacy- Crosne was pissed & wrote another letter stating "She did NOT give me permission to build a fence & I am NOT a professional" - (thankfully I was smart enough to save those letters) - Crosnoe then went on a tirade in the middle of the night digging under my fence- (this house is on a hill-) - over the next few months I noted my fence was leaning towards her yard below me... (as you will see) when I saw all the holes under the wood- I thought maybe gophers... I set up the trail cams ... & saw hands!- Crosnoe had to go past HER fence to get to MY fence!- I called the police & was told it was civil & I needed to sue- I did- & prevailed- which began the next 7 years of court dates & non stop malicious attacks which included destruction of 2 more fences , security cameras & lighting... by the Crosnoe Circus... the Clowns & Flying Monkeys - which required me to get a restraining order... All & All I have endured 4 "Kelly Vs Crosnoe" Court Cases- I prevailed in all 4 cases "Facts Over Fiction" "TruthPrevails" "Good Vs Evil This is the 1st installment of many compilations of videos I compiled for "The History Of The Crosnoe Circus" - it is the videos I saved &/or needed to show in court over the last 7 years... These videos will show what I have had to contend with living next to the Crosnoe Circus. aka Neighbor From Hell. (Be on the lookout for Volume #2 soon!) #KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell #CrosnoeCircusClowns #FlyingMonkeys missrubytuesday.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fending Off The Flying Monkeys At The Crosnoe Circus

It has now been a week since the last court hearing in which Commissioner Julia Snyder ordered me to reimburse the neighbor from hell- defendant Linda Crosnoe $1013.08 - stating "I was not entitled to Cost after Judgment Fees or the 10% Interest after 7 years " & then threatened me with "contempt of court" if I said another word by trying to prove the mistakes made in the courtroom- & refused to let me show evidence of those mistakes- would not even allow me to submit evidence that I was told to bring- I saw the evil neighbor was laughing- as Commissioner Julia Snyder berated me, belittled me- so I threw $873.00 cash at her & walked out of the courtroom- without saying good-bye rather than risk being held in contempt for talking.- I mailed the remainder of money to the Ventura Superior Court so they can give it to Crosnoe. - & document it has been paid & "Kelly Vs Crosnoe" small claims case 2018-00515291 SC is over. - I "won".... $1,650.00- spent 7 yrs in court - almost $3,000 in court fees, sheriff fees trying to collect the Judgment & had to replace another fence $1,700.00 - because the defendant was mad I had a lien on her house... & then had to pay the defendant $1,013.08 before I could end the small claims case.... #Winning The lien I had on Crosnoes property is removed... The money Commissioner Julia Snyder claimed I was not entitled to has been paid- There is no legitimate reason my evil neighbor should still be having her flying monkeys harrass me- yet- her favorite flying monkey John Matteson & her current tenants in the back unit (Kim & the kid Adam) are teaming up to harrass me... they've even got a few new flying monkeys to harrass me online (YouTube, Facebook, X)- basically violating the 3rd party clause on the NO CONTACT restraining order intentionally. Aside from holding Linda Crosnoe accountable in 4 court cases for her actions against me, my family & my property- I have never done anything to the clowns or the various flying monkeys who appear on behalf of my evil neighbor- obviously the Crosnoe Circus Evil Clowns & The Flying Monkeys are all scumbags who enjoy causing grief to others for their personal entertainment. #UglySouls YES- I believe in Karma & Good Vs. Evil ... & I'm certain- eventually - my neighbor & her monkeys will too! #KellyVsCrosnoe #NeighborFromHell #FlyingMonkeys #CrosnoeCircus missrubytuesday.com