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United States
Mother/Grandmother/Hairstylist/ Ex-Wrestler/Ex-Stripper/Ex- Adult Magazine Model... Who Currently Has A Few Videos On Youtube... :-D

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Clowns Conspire To Vandalize My C...

Crosnoe Circus current residential clowns Kim & Adam once again are caught planning their next attack on me, my cameras & my fence while their dog is propped up on my fence digging through my dirt that surrounds what is left of my retaining wall. - I'm tempted to just go ahead & saw off the fence & give them the codes to my cameras but - I prefer to make scumbags work for their goal of wreaking havoc. - I will say- it really is sad to watch a grandma teach her grandkid to disrespect others & harass & destroy property - - I mean- it's not like these clowns were not aware that I have a restraining order against their landlord who destroyed 3 of my fences.- Ironically- Crosnoe and friends have destroyed all my fences that gave them ALL the privacy they desire... after the 3 fence being destroyed- I installed the rod iron in hopes that visability of the nefarious acts against my property would cease... instead- the acts have increased because "they need privacy" - & now they need to destroy my fence so they can build one.... obviously- the fact that they haven't built one in 7 years but always manage to make me build a new one is just part of my being their neighbor... - each fence I had to build cost me between $1,800 (the rod iron is the cheapest) & $3,500 (wood is more expensive ) & not once has Crosnoe or her friends determined they should just pay a professional to build them a fence... since clearly they have no clue on how to build one.- & the fact that they removed my retaining wall which will cost $30,000 to replace is beyond crazy- luckily my neighbor on the left who has the matching retaining wall that came with this house- is a real sweetheart & would never dream of willfully destroying the wall.... or doing anything mean to me or my family- #goodvsevil #kellyvscrosnoe #restrainingorder #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #badneighbors #evidence #venturacountysuperiorcourt #harassmentcase #vandalism

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Crosnoe Circus Clowns Wake And Plan Their Next Act Against My Fence & Ca...

It's night 41 of the Crosnoe Circus Light Show to intentionally blind my security cams (5 of them now) & 1 aimed at my bedroom window in the backyard- that light is placed on top of a ladder overlooking my wooden fence! The show runs till 6 or 7 am when the sun rises & the resident clowns retire. #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #badneighbors #evidence #venturacountysuperiorcourt

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Crosnoe Circus Clown John Matteson Vandalizing My Retaining Wall AGAIN!

Ugh... Crosnoe Circus Clown John Matteson destroyed even more of my retaining wall today... less than 48hrs after I had to call the police for the same vandalism situation .... I'm gonna have to sue him because the police will not arrest him in spite of the $1,000's I need to spend to replace the retaining wall!- This video shows the synopsis of the 3 previous fences that were destroyed before & after he joined the Crosnoe Circus... leading up to todays vandalism- I have dealt with the harassment, destruction of property & court crap, the assorted clowns & flying monkeys as a result of my neighbor Linda Crosnoe for 7 years now.... the police need to stop these clowns! #kellyvscrosnoe #CrosnoeCircusClowns #neighborfromhell #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #venturacountysuperiorcourt #evidence

Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Clown John Matteson Vandalizing M...

Its Sunday afternoon - my phone alerted me of motion at the fence- I look and see Crosnoe Clown John Matteson removing my retaining wall - cutting the wires on my fence & shoving my markers into my side yard- I grabbed my flip cam to film evidence for the upcoming court hearing re: enforcement of the restraining order & to show the ongoing vandalism as a result of John Matteson- on behalf of Linda Crosnoe- as you will see Adam the kid who harasses us every night with the light to blind the security cams and set off the alarms -starts saying " it's not your fence & the cops don't care about me shining the lights" oh and call the land surveyor- I told him we already did that & we had brought the rod iron fence in by almost 9 inches due to the previous 3 fences being destroyed _ his response was " I don't care" - it's sad to see that kid is being taught by adults to harass the neighbor- luckily Gary was with me while I took pics and vid -to witness the destruction & the interaction- I called the PD to report the incident.- & notified my lawyer I need his assistance again... These clowns clearly enjoy being cruel. #kellyvscrosnoe #restrainingorder #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #evidence #badneighbors #venturacountysuperiorcourt

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Crosnoe Circus Clown John Matteson Destroying My Retaining Wall AGAIN!

I need to yell & scream... but it wouldn't do any good.... I caught the scumbag Crosnoe Circus Clown John Matteson destroying my retaining wall AGAIN! - 2 years ago on 10-12-2022 I busted him destroying the freshly poured footing on my retaining wall.... I called the police & they said it was a civil matter... this time I called because my restraining order clearly states no one can come within 3 yards (9 ft) of my fence- NO CONTACT of any kind, no hoses, nothing being shoved under the fence, no destruction- (this is due to the fact my rod iron fence is the 4th fence I've had to build & I had to bring it in by 8 inches onto this property away from the property line due to NO RETAINING WALL after Crosnoe removed it.- I needed solid ground to dig holes to put the poles and cement. - so yeh- I called the police & once again they refused to give John Matteson a citation for Vandalism (even tho he is on film sitting against my fence, with a shovel removing my cinderblock & flipping me off - calling me a "narcissistic tweaker bitch"... & said I need to get a separate restraining order (even tho he is clearly destroying my fence on behalf of Linda Crosnoe via indirect (3rd party) contact.- they APOLOGIZED to Crosnoe for bothering her!!!!!! - They then talked to the tenants Kim & Adam - who state they are taking me to court for Cyber Bullying- because they feel I'm harrassing them by telling everyone they are harrassing me & my family every day & every night on behalf of Crosnoe... I informed the officers I am uploading all the caught on security cam stuff because my phone only has 16 GBs & I need to upload to youtube so I can download to my PC which is 2TBs so I have proof to show the Judge. - I tried to remain calm- but I started speaking a bit loud... (kinda like in the days of wrestling- throwing my voice) - I'm dumbfounded at the fact John Matteson is ALLOWED to destroy my retaining wall- the tenants Kim & Adam are ALLOWED to harrass us with the shining the lights in the cameras, setting off the alarms, blocking the alarms, & attaching a bunch of crap to my front fence, side fence, & back yard fence & all the adults, Crosnoe, Matteson, the grandma Kim & even the police are telling the minor its "ok" to harrass the neighbor!!!!! - the police left & the 1st thing Adam did (which my security cam will show in another video) was flip me off & laugh... the entire Crosnoe Circus has been given a free pass to harrass & I'm the bad guy for trying to enforce the restraining order that clearly states NO CONTACT of any kind.... & to add a lil more salt to that would - the police refused to tell Matteson, Crosnoe, or Kim & Adam... to REMOVE all the stuff in my fence, next to my fence , attached to my fence & pull it back into the 9ft perimeter set by the Judge- so - all that crap is technically on my property- even tho it is a CLEAR violation - & their reason???? "Oh- they are building a fence" really???? they clearly forgot on 10-12-2022 they claimed that also-... heck they have been claiming they are going to build a fence for over 7 years - & during that time I've HAD to build 4 entire fences! - yes I'm going back into the courtroom in hopes of modifying the order so the police have no excuse not to honor the restraining order- & hopefully they will arrest Crosnoe or any of the clowns current & future.- I just want them to leave me alone & leave my family alone- it would be nice if the police could at least just tell them to STOP harrassing us.- yes- I'm mad I've spent 7 years trying to hold these clowns accountable- not to mention $1,000s to replace, repair, court fees, sheriff fees - I could've done nothing in the last 7 years & obtained the same result..... heck- I should've just let the 1st fence that got destroyed just go in the trash... & be done with it... then Linda Crosnoe could've perhaps found some other person to harrass- oh well- I just gotta keep the faith that eventually Crosnoe & all her clowns & flying monkeys will find someone else to torture.... on the bright side at least I'm not dealing with Hurricane Milton right now. #crosnoecircusclowns #restrainingorder #neighborfromhell #Venturacountysuperiorcourt #kellyvscrosnoe

Miss Ruby Tuesday- Its Always Lights Camera Action At The Crosnoe Circus!

For those who have been keeping tabs on the 'Caught On Security Cam" its has been lights, camera action - the daily shows are nonstop- the restraining order is being violated left & right because the resident clowns who are being directed by their ringmaster to harrass me ... have been told "the restraining order only applies to Linda Crosnoe- you can harrass her all you want" - My restraining order is a complete NO CONTACT order with addtional orders that Crosnoe can not come within 9 ft of my fence, no contact with the fence, no shoving that hose under my fence, no attaching anything to my fence, no destruction of my fence- no indirect contact (3rd party) contact as well... - which is interpreted differently by different officers... so- I'm going back to court to modify the order to include 1 sentence (NO Negative Contact from any person at that address) as I cannot possibly know all the names of the people who are her friends, tenants & future friends, tenants that are directed by Crosnoe to harrass me - hopefully if the modification is added it will help the police to enforce the restraining order & calm the current clowns & any furture resident clowns/ friends of clowns/ flying monkeys from the non stop harrassment of me & my family on behalf of Crosnoe. - its been 7 years, $1000's in repairs, replacements of fences, cameras, lighting, + $1,000s in court fees, sheriff fees for the 4 court cases... & the police can't or won't make her stop harrassing me ... they can't or won't make her friends stop harrassing me/ destroying my property... I've done every legal method to try to stop this person & her scumbag friends from negatively affecting my life... its been 7 years... that my neighbor and her friends have been ALLOWED to harrass me, & destroy my property - I've done EVERYTHING the Simi PD has told me to do over the last 7 years (4 Civil Court Cases & I prevailed in every one by proving my neighbor is not a nice person- I even put a lien on her property) & I even got that restraining order as they requested- & now I'm being told I need to add another sentence - in order for the police "To be able to arrest Crosnoe" so essentially- I now have to entail another court hearing - in essence a whole new court case-- & upon filing the CH600- the clerk said to me- usually when someone needs a modification it is to remove the terms that are too stringent, or to add supervised visits, or to terminate the order or renew it- you are putting in a lot of work just to add 1 sentence (that by the way is ALREADY covered in the existing order under indirect contact) - whats to stop the police from saying you need to add another sentence after you do this???-- your restraining order is already a complete NO CONTACT order it doesn't need to have another sentence added.- so yeh- I'm jumping through another hoop for the police - in hopes my reward will be I finally get to see Crosnoe get arrested for the 7 years of harrassment, property destruction & $1,000s spent- I'm positive- if this was their neighbor- they would've at the vey minimum- told her to STOP- - but since she is MY neighbor they won't even do that- they just keep telling me... I gotta "prove what she is doing, prove what her tenants are doing- prove your restraining order covers the violation... & my favorite- "sorry but we can't get in the gate" & the most recent- "we don't want to wake up the kid its 10pm" - (obviously the lil harrasser who is harrassing me by shining those lights into my security cams & setting off my alarms till 6am -under the direction of adults... is wide awake & actively harrassing me.... but ok- we can all pretend he is sleeping snug in his bed-) -yes- its been a rough 7 years living next to the Crosnoe Circus... & at some point... "Karma Steps In Where Justice Fails" #NeighborFromHell #kellyvscrosnoe #restrainingorder #flyingmonkeys #crosnoecircusclowns missrubytuesday.com

Caught On Security Cam- Spat With Crosnoe Circus Clowns Kim & Adam

It's been brewing for the last 35 nights- & tonight after dinner my phone alerted me to motion at my side fence- I went to check it out & noted the clowns had once again blocked my alarms - I had put them high in the crosses- as i started to remove them the clowns Kim & Adam started yelling that i poisoned their dog & " you don't own that fence" - as you will hear - i just keep telling them to quit harassing me & destroying my property. - needless to say it fell on deaf ears so I walked away & their light show continues Good Vs Evil - #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #badneighbors #evidence #venturacountysuperiorcourt

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Caught On Security Cam- Crosnoe Circus Clowns Harass Me At My Backyard F...

As I am doing my yardwork I note my backyard alarm has been blocked by a tall piece of wood- I took a picture & went to push it over only to learn resident clown Adam & his grandmother Kim were hiding behind the fence- I told them to remove the wood - they were violating the NO CONTACT terms of the restraining order & then they started screaming this is their fence & I again inform them it is my fence- I paid for it - I installed it - they again scream i do not own it- I start drilling crosses on my fence & let them know I was calling the police- then they scream "go ahead the restraining order does not apply to us!" - I told them quit harassing me & my family - quit shining the lights in my cameras - & then I finished drilling- & called the police... It really is sad that these clowns wake up & spend every waking moment thinking of how to harass me... & they do it on behalf of their friend Linda Crosnoe who I needed to get the restraining order against due to the 7 yrs of harassment, property destruction & solicitation of others to harass me & destroy my property. Worst Neighbor EVER #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #evidence #badneighbors #venturacountysuperiorcourt

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Caught On Security Cam - Crosnoe Circus Clowns Add New Alarm!!!!!

Today the Crosnoe Circus resident Clowns Kim & Adam added a new alarm to their infamous light show act that they like to use to blind my security cams at night... They hate my alarms & try to block em - but they film me regularly & blind my cameras -watch as they violate the restraining order by slamming that pole against my fence & even setting their new alarm against my fence- the fence is solely on my property - I had to bring it in by 10 inches because Crosnoe removed most of my retaining wall & this rod iron fence is the 3rd fence I've had to install due to Crosnoe- it is WHY the restraining order exist- it clearly states they are not to come within 9ft of the fence- NO CONTACT at all- basically these clowns are torturing me because Crosnoe is letting them live there - their only goal in life at this point is to harass me & my family- because I have a restraining order against their landlord Linda Crosnoe- pure fkn evil #kellyvscrosnoe #crosnoecircusclowns #flyingmonkeys #restrainingorder #evidence #badneighbors #venturacountysuperiorcourt